Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Local Politicion & Nut Case; Super Dell

If you ever lived in Utah you've heard of the now defunct Totally Awesome Computers and the ego-centric owner, self titled Super Dell. Dell has decided he should be Utah's next Governor.

Take a visit to his web page:

"If you don’t vote for SUPER DELL you WILL suffer the wrath of GOD and the consequences of your own ignorance and stupidity."

"God told me personally that if we end abortion we will be able to discover and use the unlimited supply of oil right here in Utah."

"Who am I? Who exactly is SUPERDELL? I am a child of God and am ordained to be a king and priest unto the most high God dependant on my living worthily in this life and fulfilling the covenants I’ve made with God."

"I am Utah's ONLY hope as I am the only SUPER on the ballot for governor this fall. Now get your butt out and fight to get me elected like your life depends on it. Because it DOES!!!"